Fire and Emergency New Zealand - Refreshed Governance Structure
Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) engaged Gemtech to refresh the governance structure for the Executive Leadership Team (ELT). Their sub-ELT panel structure was developed when FENZ was established. Overtime, this had evolved into several panels. This gave rise to risks of issues of accountability and inefficient decision making.
Gemtech Consultant, John Dyer, analysed the existing panels and their governance structure. This included reviewing documentation and interviewing key personnel to identify any areas of misalignment or duplication between the sub-panels and the ELT. Collaborating with these personnel and FENZ Chief Advisors, a new design for the sub-panel was proposed along with Terms of Reference for the transition. John worked extensively with key FENZ staff to test and review the results, before the ELT paper was finalised and presented.
The paper was well received by FENZ executives, suggesting disestablishment of some panels and merging of others, along with plans for the proposed transition. Executives agreed with the proposal and the transition is now well under way. John was noted to have completed an exceptional body of work in a short timeframe and has since been personally requested by FENZ for further engagements.